Doctor in Dental Surgery
Genoa University
Angelo Itri graduated in 2009 and works as a general dentist in his office. He won 2010 Duillo research award in Genoa. Since 2009 He is a lecturer at national and international courses/symposiums (Lebanon, Tunisia, Genoa, Milan, Turin) about piezosurgery, dental materials, cad cam technology, implant surgery, Vital pulp therapy and Fiber posts therapy. In 2012 He was a supervisor at Bioengineering University of Genoa. In 2015 he became Opinion Leader of Septodont Spa (France), and in 2017 for IDS (international dental supply-Savona (IT) ). In 2017 he became an adjunct professor at Genoa University department of restorative and endodontics dentistry. Dr. Itri is actively involved in research since 2006, focusing on dental implants, dental materials, and prosthodontics. He wrote national and international papers about dental materials and regenerative procedures. He became an editorial board member of Journal of Dental & Oral Research. He codified a predictable protocol to achieve success in vital pulp therapy. He participates in national and international dental conferences.
Research Interest
Piezosurgery, Dental Materials, Cad Cam Technology, Implant Surgery, Vital Pulp Therapy And Fiber Posts Therapy